onsdag 12. oktober 2011

Gambari Ma'li ~ Shrimp Fried or Grilled

Gambari Ma'li ~ Fried Shrimps
By Taco / Egyptravel https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/egyptian-food

  • 1kg Shrimps
  • 2 tbsp Flour
  • ½ cup Milk
  • ½ cup Water
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Wash the shrimps and shell them
  • Mix the flour with cumin, milk, water, and egg
  • Dip the shrimps into the batter, and place them in the sizzling oil
  • Allow them to drain on kitchen paper.
  • Season with with salt, pepper, cumin, and seasoning.
  • Serve with lemon and parsley

Dragonicum http://www.dragonicum.com/page=DragonicumTourism_Egyptours_Egyptian_Food


Egyptian recipe: Samak Mashwy ~ Grilled fish
by Taco / Egyptravel https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/egyptian-food

  • From 1 1/2 - 2 kg Fish
  • Rice, Lemon, and Green Onion
  • 2 cups Flour
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Spice mix: prepare a dry spice mix of: Cumin, Salt, Mixed spices, hot Chili and Garlic (crushed).
  • Wash the fish, remove scales with a sharp knife, and leave the fish whole.
  • Dip the fish into flour, coat both sides
  • Stuff each fish with the spice mix. Grill the fish. Add salt and pepper.
  • Serve the fish with rice, lemon, green onion.

Dragonicum http://www.dragonicum.com/page=DragonicumTourism_Egyptours_Egyptian_Food

torsdag 6. oktober 2011


Det er alltid bra aa dra nytte av sesongens frukt og groennsaker. Her har vi en haioppskrift som gir et perfekt sommermaaltid. Haikjoett er litt stram i smaken, derfor bidrar ananas, lime og mynte til aa gjoere den god og rund i smak. Det er ikke alkohol i denne retten, men vi kan godt si at bivirkningene er minst like berusende!

Tid: 12 min

Nivaa: Enkelt

Antall porsjoner: 4


1 middels stor moden ananas, trimmet, skrelt, delt i 4 paa langs (kuttet i lengderetningen)

Drypp: extra virgin olivenolje

2 lime, presset – legg 2 av halvdelene til side

1 liten roedløk, hakket

½ bunt frisk mynte, finhakk bladene (ca ½ dl blader)

½ bunt friske korianderblader, (ca ½ dl blader)

2 klyper Kosher salt

Litt sukker, valgfritt


4 x 220 gram Hai-koteletter eller -filleter, senterkuttet

Drypp: extra virgin olivenolje

1 teskje Kosher salt

20 svarte pepperkorn


1. Varm en grillpanne eller griddle over middels hoey varme

2. Gni ananas bitene lett med olje

3. Grill ananasen paa alle sidene, ca 2 minutter per side eller til er de lett karamelliserte

4. Fjernes fra grillen og settes til side for litt avkjoeling

5. Skjaer grillet ananas i ½ -inch terninger og legg dem i en medium stor bolle

6. Legg de resterende salsa ingredienser i bollen, deriblant lime halvdelene. Disse vil sammen med olivenolje bidra til rundere aroma i salsaen.

7. Settes til side til alt er klart til bruk

8. Mens grillen fremdeles er varm, gni hver hai biff med olivenolje og smak til med salt og pepper

9. Legg haibiffene paa grillen, paa tvers, og stek i ca 3 til 5 minutter per side, avhengig av tykkelsen paa biffene

10. Snu fisken forsiktig saa den ikke faller fra hverande

11. Naar kjoettet har blitt gjennomsiktig og fast aa ta paa er det gjennomstekt

12. Legges over paa tallerken og serveres med salsa

13. Server umiddelbart

Bon appetit!

mandag 26. september 2011

Egyptian Food: Calamari Fried (Squid Fried)

Calamari Fried is a dish in Mediterranean cuisine.
Batter-coated, deep fried squid, fried maximum 2 minutes (for preventing toughness). Serve them plain with salt and lemon, or with lemon and marinara sauce.

By Taco, Egyptravel, http://www.dragonicum.com/page=DragonicumTourism_Egyptours_Egyptian_Food


  • Use vegetable oil, for deep-freed squid.
  • Squid: 1 pound cleaned with tentacles. ½Inch thick rings and bodies cut into 3.
  • 2 cups Flour (all-purpose)
  • 2 tbsp Parsley, dried
  • Salt
  • 2 lemons cut in wedges
  • 1 cup Tomato sauce (alternatively jarred marinara sauce)
  • Fresh ground Black pepper
Tomato Sauce
  • 1/2 cup Olive oil (extra-virgin)
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 2 Garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 Carrot, chopped
  • Fresh ground Black pepper
  • Tomatoes, crushed ~ or 2 (32 oz)
  • 2 dried Bay leaves
  • 4 tbsp Butter (unsalted)
  • 1 Celery stalk, chopped
  • Sea salt

  • Heat the oil in a large pot, medium heat. Saute onion and garlic until soft and translucent, about 5 8 minutes.
  • Add carrots, celery, and season with salt and pepper. Saute until all they are soft (5-8 minutes).
  • Thereafter, add tomatoes and bay leaves, let simmer on low heat until it is thich (approximately 50-55 minutes). Remove bay leaves. Taste for seasoning.
  • Should the sauce taste acidic, add butter little by little until the taste is round in flavour.
  • Pour half of the sauce into a bowl for food processing. Process until the tomato sauce is smooth. Pour in the rest of the tomato mix and process until smooth.
  • Use a large sauce pan, and 3 inches of oil. Medium heat (350 degrees F) .
  • In a large bowl, mix flour, parsley, salt, and pepper. Coat the squid with the flour mixture.
  • Be careful when adding the squid into the hot oil. Fry until crispy and light golden, approximatly 1 minute on each side.
  • Place the fried calamari on a plate covered with paper-towel to drain. Be careful, so use tongs or spoons
  • Serve the fried calamari with lemon and the marinara sauce..

EGYPTRAVEL, Contact: Taco
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/

torsdag 23. juni 2011

Fūl medammis, and Kushari

Egyptian cuisine consists of the local culinary traditions of Egypt. Egyptian cuisine makes heavy use of legumes and vegetables, as Egypt's rich Nile Valley and Delta produce large quantities of high-quality crops

By Taco Moha, Egypt Travel

Fūl medammis or simply fūl, is an Egyptian dish of cooked and mashed fava beans served with olive oil, chopped parsley, onion, garlic, and lemon juice. A staple meal in Egypt, it is popular in the cuisines of the Levant.

  • 15 oz. can (425 grams) Fava beans
  • Fresh, chopped Parsley
  • 1 diced Onion
  • Lemon juice (of 1 lemon)
  • Olive oil
  • 2 tsp Cumin
  • 1 clove chopped Garlic
  • 1 chopped Serranno Chili
  • Pita bread
Use a sauté pan to heat the olive oil. Toss in Chili, Garlic and Cumin. Sauté for 2 minutes
Add 2 tbsp Olive oil, Fava beans, and Lemon juice.
Stir and mash roughly during sauté for 10 minutes.
Add more Olive oil and Parsley.
Warm the Pita breads.
Serve the Fūl medammis with warmed Pita bread.

Koshari, often transliterated as koshary, kosheri or koshari, is a popular traditional Egyptian national dish. It consists of a base of rice, brown lentils, chickpeas, macaroni, and a topping of Egyptian garlic and vinegar and spicy tomato sauce (salsa). Fried onion is commonly added as a garnish. Koshary is normally a vegetarian and usually a vegan dish, possibly reflecting the meatless diet of Coptic Christians during Lent and other fasts and/or the high cost of meat for the lower classes. It is becoming common to add fried liver or shawarma meat as an additional topping.

Koshary is one of the most popular, inexpensive, and common dishes in Egypt, and many restaurants specialize in this one dish.

  • 1 cup Rice
  • 1 cup Macaroni pasta (or bucatini, ditalini, penne)
  • 1 cup Lentils
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 Onion, chopped finely
  • 2-3 cloves minced Garlic
  • 2 cups Tomato sauce (or crushed tomatoes)
  • 1/2-1 tsp Pepper flakes
  • Salt and pepper
  • Oil for frying
  • 1 sliced (thinly) Onion, sliced thinly
  • Salt and pepper
Cook Rice (in 2 cups water) about 20 minutes.
Cook Macaroni until „al dente“
Simmer Lentils in 2 cups of water in a covered pot until tender, about 30-45 minutes.

While cooking, in the meantime:

Use a sauté pan to heat the Olive oil (medium high heat).
Add Onions and Garlic, and sauté until the onions are translucent/, about 4-5 minutes.
Reduce the heat to medium/low, stir in the tomato sauce, pepper flakes, simmer for 10-15 minutes.
(For more spicy tomatoe sauce, add ground cumin, cinnamon or baharat spice)
If necessary add just a little water. Season with salt and pepper, set the sauté pan aside.

Heat 1/2-inch of Olive oil, and add the sliced Onions. Fry until they are crispy and brown, and drain the slices Onions on paper towels.

In a large bowl place Rice, Macaroni and Lentils, stir gently when seasoning with salt and papper. Serve the mixure as portions in indivual bowls, og pour Tomatoe sauce (or crushed tomatoes) over each portion. On top, place crispy fried Onions. Serve Kushari hot or at room temperature, with Lemon slices as additionals.

  • https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/egypt-alexandria
  • https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/cooking-in-the-nile
  • https://sites.google.com/site/egyptravel/Home/sharm-el-sheikh
Facebook profile Taco Moha Ali
FacebookGroup, Egyptravel 
Linkedin Taco Moha
Twitter Egyptravel

My Regards.

søndag 5. juni 2011

Seafood Barbeque; Salmon and Apple on the Grill

Seafood Barbeque; Salmon and Apple

For: 4 people

Photographer: Kim Holthe

Photo is used with Norwegian Seafood Export Council's permission (Copyright)

600 g salmon fillet, skinned and boned
2 green apples
4 spring onions
2 cups whipped cream
salt, pepper, cayenne pepper

Cut salmon fillet into thick slices. 
Peel apples, cut them in half and then into slices.
Peel and cut the green onion.
Tear off four large pieces of aluminum foil, fold and shape into three small coffins. 
Spread the green onions at the bottom and add the salmon and apple layer. 
Sprinkle with salt, pepper and a touch of cayenne pepper and pour the cream into the coffins.
Place packets on the grill, place the lid over and bake the fish until it has just cooked through, 6-7 minutes.
Server fish in packages with a fresh, mixed salad and bread.


fredag 3. juni 2011

Fisherman's wife's Mussels

Fisherman's wife's Mussels

Portions: 1-2 people
Photographer: Alf Børjesson. Photo is used with Norwegian Seafood Export Council's permission (Copyright)

1 kg Norwegian mussels
1 / 2 el. 1 small stalk celery
1 / 2 small onion
1 piece of leek
1 tablespoon butter or olive oil
1 / 2 cup white wine or. 1-2 tsp lemon squeezed
Possibly some fresh herbs
Greens (parsley, dill, tarragon, seasoning as desired, a little cream)
Fresh white bread or French fries
Mayonnaise or butter

Fry all the onions, other vegetables in oil.
Add wine, lemon, herbs and mussels.
Steam the mussels to open.
Mussels that do not open are dead (must be discarded).

Serve hot with toasted bread
Use the shellfish sauce after cooking to dip the bread in.
Can be combined with shrimp or other shellfish.
White wine tastes great along with mussels.

torsdag 2. juni 2011

Stock Seafood's Fish and Seafood Recipes: Spicy pollack with green lenses

Stock Seafood's Fish and Seafood Recipes: Spicy pollack with green lenses: "Spicy pollack with green lenses Not only do we recommend eating more fish, but also to use more dry legumes, such as lenstils. They come in..."

Spicy pollack with green lenses

Spicy pollack with green lenses
Not only do we recommend eating more fish, but also to use more dry legumes, such as lentils. They come in many colors, here we have used the green ones.

Photographer: Alf Børjesson. 
Photo is used with permission by Norwegian Seafood Export Council (Copyright)

Dinner for 4 people
ca. 750 g saithe fillets, skinned and boned
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon olive or canola oil
1 teaspoon garam masala

175 g green lentils
1 garlic clove
juice of ½ lemon
Mint Yoghurt:
1 cup yogurt, mild and easy
1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf parsley
In the oven at 225 C for approx. 10 min

1. Start with the lentils. Boil them until tender in unsalted water for 15-20 minutes.
2. Strain the cooking water.
3. Press garlic and stir it into the lentils, add lemon juice, season with salt.
4. Fry the fish while the lentils are cooking.
5. Cut it into serving pieces, sprinkle with salt, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with garam masala.
6. Add fish pieces on baking paper on the baking tray and bake them high in the oven until they are cooked through and lightly browned on top.
7. Stir parsley and mint in the yogurt.
8.Spread the lentils on plates with the fish above. Serve with mint yogurt.

onsdag 1. juni 2011

Stock Seafood's Fish and Seafood Recipes: BACALAU (Bacalao) the Norwegian way

Stock Seafood's Fish and Seafood Recipes: BACALAU (Bacalao) the Norwegian way: "BACALAU (English language) 2 kg dried fish (Clipfish) 1 kg onions 1 kg potato 2 pieces dried chilli (optional) 3 bk tomato (preferably ..."

BACALAU (Bacalao) the Norwegian way

2 kg dried fish (Clipfish)
1 kg onions
1 kg potato
2 pieces dried chilli (optional)
3 bk tomato (preferably fresh tomatoes)
10 peppercorns
1 piece of garlic
2 x bay leaves
20 pcs black olives
200 g pickled peppers (available in jars in most grocery stores)
2 dl olive oil

Water out the fish overnight (put it in a large bowl of water)
Cut the dried fish into slices, about 2 cm.
Peel the potatoes and onions and cut into slices (same thickness).
Add fish, potatoes, onions and pickled peppers layered in a large saucepan.
Divide the garlic in half crosswise. Put it in the pot (without peeling it) together with pepper, bay, chili, olives, tomatoes and olive oil.
Let it cook approximately one hour, and serve.

Photographer: Per Erik Jæger. Photo used with permission by: © Norwegian Seafood Export Council

BACALAO (Norwegian language)
2 kg klippfisk
1 kg løk
1 kg potet
2 stk tørkede chili (valgfritt)
3 bk tomat (eller fersker tomater)
10 stk pepperkorn
1 stk hvitløk
2 stk laurbærblad
20 stk sorte oliven
200 g syltet paprika (fåes på glass i de fleste butikker)
2 dl olivenolje

Skjær opp klippfisken i skiver, ca 2 cm.
Skrell poteter og løk og skjær opp i skiver, omtrent like tykke.
Legg fisk, poteter, løk og syltet paprika lagvis i en stor kjele.
Del hvitløken i to på tvers. Legg den i gryta (uten å skrelle den) sammen med pepper, laurbær, chili, oliven, tomater og olivenolje.
La det koke ca én time, og server.